Friday, January 21, 2011

The Cold

As we all know there are different levels of being cold. There is the 'I wore a short dress and heels to the night club but now that I am outside waiting for the car to get here, I am freezing' cold. There is the 'ugh its morning, I am tired, and the house is a bit chilly' cold. There is even the 'Hm, I wore a jacket, jeans, and sneakers but that damn cold wind just goes through it and I am freezing' cold. THEN there is – 40 degrees Mongolia Cold. You wear two pairs of long underwear bottoms, two pairs of thick socks, then squeeze on your jeans while swearing to yourself that you need to lose some weight if this is going to work. You then put on your long underwear wool shirt, then another long sleeve shirt, fallowed by a wool turtleneck and then you fleece. You put on your wool hat and your huge, puffy, knee-length jacket, zip it up and put your hood on. With some difficulty since you can't reach up too well, you then wrap a scarf around, so it covers your mouth and nose, and put on your gloves. At this point you feel, and look like, a marshmallow and you walk with a slight waddle. You step outside and the freezing cold hits your face first and you curse yourself that your body needs to breath because the cold makes you nose drip like crazy and your breath makes your scarf wet and thus more cold. You try to waddle as fast as you can to your next destination since your nose is slowly becoming numb. Your hands, despite the gloves, are in pain due to the cold and you shove them in your pockets hoping that it will help; they're numb. Your toes are also starting to go numb from cold but when you stumble on a rock it send shooting pains from being so cold! Your legs feel like thick frozen Popsicles. Finally you get to your destination, and slowly your body starts to thaw; first your face, nose, mouth. Then your fingers and lastly your toes and you think to yourself “huh, it wasn't THAT bad.”


  1. This is a great description, definitely made me feel very cold (and I thought it was cold in Paris, but compared to your description, I think we had a heat wave...).

    Your writing is very humorous, and quite descriptive. Keep on writing!

    Sorry that you live in such a place that has an intolerable weather. Can you ask to be transferred to Guatemala?
    Love, Rachel

  2. Hahaha thanks rachel! I actually dont mind the cold, but nonetheless I will still look in the transfer. Hope you had a great time in Paris!
